Housing4Heroes Helping NJ Veterans Everyday!


Who We Are

Housing4Heroes is a Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) participating landlord that offers affordable housing to homeless veterans

housing4heroes what we offer

What We Offer

Through collaborative programs between HUD-VASH, the Veterans Administration and community, Housing4Heroes seeks to help Veterans in need of housing and their families with HUD affordable housing vouchers, provide placement for permanent housing and refer to supplemental VA supportive services.

How We Work

We provide housing through rental assistance vouchers to eligible veterans. VA case managers will refer homeless veterans and their families seeking housing placement to Housing4Heroes whose intent is to help them to successfully secure housing and become contributing members within the community they reside.

housing 4 heroes how we work
housing4heroes what we offer

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for HUD-VASH, you must meet the following three criteria:

  • Need to be a VA health care eligible veteran and have served for 24 continuous months if he or she enlisted after September 7, 1980, or was put on active duty after October 16, 1981.
  • Meet the definition for homelessness as described by The McKinney Homelessness Assistance Act:
    • Lacks an adequate, fixed, and regular night-time residence.
    • Spends nights in a public or private place such as a car, abandoned building, bus station, airport, campground, or park.
    • Lives in a shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations.
    • Is in immediate danger of losing his or her current housing and has no secondary residence to move into, nor has a support network in which to find permanent housing.
  • Require case management services that address a substance abuse disorder, a physical disability, or a serious mental illness.

Why Choose Us

Through collaborative programs between HUD, the Veterans Administration and community, Housing4Heroes seeks to help homeless Veterans and their families with HUD affordable housing vouchers, provide placement for permanent housing and refer to supplemental VA supportive services that include, but are not limited to providing case management, and assistance with obtaining VA Benefits.

Make a donation today!

Help feed a homeless veteran’s family and other vital support services.

Hundreds of Veterans Placed

We’ve helped place countless homeless veterans in homes last year.

Helping in New Jersey & beyond!

New Jersey is our home base, we love our veterans! Jersey Strong!

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Become a monthly donor! Your charitable contirbutions can be a tax deductible item.

Would you like to donate?

When making a donation, consider that your gift can provide costs to cover meals, clothing and mental health counseling among other things.